Meet Marianela Nuñez

The Advisory Board of the Sisters of Saint Joseph Neighborhood Center fosters the highest possible standards of ministry by providing direction to the Center’s efforts to unite “neighbor to neighbor and neighborhood to neighborhood.” Meet Marianela Nuñez who joined the
advisory board in 2020.

How did you become an Advisory Board member?
Marianela: “I was invited by Sr. Bonnie to consider the opportunity, and I was interested because the Center does so much for the community. I was inspired to be part of their amazing work.”

Why is the Center important to you?
Marianela: As an immigrant, I know what it is like to be lost and unempowered when you first come to the US. I am able to make connections for my immigrant friends, and it gives them a sense of hope they don’t find everywhere. The Center also makes me feel I am actually doing a little something to build the Kingdom of God on Earth.

What is the most rewarding part of your role?
Marianela: “It is seeing how much of an impact the Center can make in the neighbors’ lives. It is such a positive environment and it makes me proud to be part of the team!”

Do you have a favorite memory of being an Advisory Board Member?

Marianela: “I loved our first advancement event and how much work went into it. It felt so good to help put it together and to see members of the community, administration, and staff of the center, volunteers, and board members together, eating and laughing and having a good time.”

In a few words, can you capture the mission of the SSJ Neighborhood Center?
Marianela: “The mission of the Center to me is to empower members of the community to become self-sufficient and to lead them to have more quality of life. The Center provides opportunities to enrich the lives of the participants and to build community. It is a mission you can see them fulfill in everything they do.”

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