- ESL Classes
- Sewing & Crocheting Groups
- Food Pantry
- Community Garden
- Community Prayer
- Notary Services/Government Application Assistance/Access to Computers
- Spanish Literacy Classes
- M.A.M.I.S
- Community Meetings Socials & Events
- Free Eye Screening & Free Eye Glasses
- Social Service Referrals & Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance
ESL Classes

Tuesday & Thursday mornings & evenings
Classes are offered for adults who want to learn how to speak, read and write in English. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in both the morning and evening, and some are offered online as well. Registrations for new and returning students are open at the beginning of each semester. Classes meet from September to April. Students interested in classes are invited to call for an interview. Adults interested in volunteering as a teacher or assistant, are welcome to contact the center. Orientation is provided for new teachers.
Sewing & Crocheting Groups
Tuesdays 10:45-12:00 PM – Crocheting: Thursdays 10:45-12:00 PM
Take time to explore and learn about different handicrafts! These groups meet throughout the week and offer time to work on projects, welcoming beginners and those with more experience. All are welcome to participate and grow in skill and community through these wonderful programs.
Food Pantry
3rd Wednesday of Each Month, 1:00-5:30 PM
Operated by the SSJ Neighborhood Center out of the lower level of Christus Church, the community food pantry serves those in need of supplemental food assistance. Distributing food from the South Jersey Food Bank and from generous donors, the food pantry offers fresh produce, frozen food, and canned goods as well as a variety of other donated items including toiletries, bedding, and paper goods. All participants are asked to bring identification with them to register for assistance.

Community Garden
As we care for all of creation, the community garden provides a space of natural beauty and abundance. Through the generosity of donors, the SSJ Neighborhood Center cultivates multiple raised beds during the growing season to provide supplemental produce to the food pantry and to encourage urban agriculture in the neighborhood.

Community Prayer

Thursdays 1:30-2:00 PM
Join us for an opportunity to pray as a community and to share faith as we come to know one another & pray for our neighbors and our world. This group gathers weekly to reflect on scripture and to share prayer and life together, building community and growing in faith as a community for the good of the neighborhood and the world.
Notary Services/Government Application Assistance/Access to Computers
The Sisters of Saint Joseph Neighborhood Center offers Notary Services and Government Application assistance for those lacking resources. Access to computers is also offered for those in need of technology to research, apply for jobs, or classes through Zoom. All times for computer access offer the help of an instructor who can help beginners learn how to use a computer and do basic functions on a desktop computer. All are welcome to use the center’s computers during designated computer lab times.

Spanish Literacy Classes
Classes are offered to help non-literate Spanish-speaking adults learn the basics of how to read and write in Spanish. Classes run from September to May. These classes empower our Neighbors to have more self-confidence in their ability to communicate in everyday life. Spanish-speaking volunteers are needed and training is provided.

(Mothers Embracing More Healthy Initiatives)
Is a program offered for Mothers and their children under 4 years of age. In collaboration with local agencies, we offer presentations to support moms and their babies. Mothers are pampered with gift bags with goodies for themselves and their little ones. Time is provided for prayer, snacks, socialization, and play. The program meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Able-bodied female volunteers are always needed.

Community Events & Projects
The Sisters of Saint Joseph Neighborhood Center is a place to gather and grow as a community. We welcome various groups to partner with us on community projects and to celebrate the gifts of a diverse, inclusive community. From service projects to multicultural events, the Neighborhood Center’s mission is to gather neighbors together for the betterment of all!
Free Eye Screening & Free Eye Glasses
In partnership with the State of New Jersey Department of Human Services Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, we offer a monthly eye screening for our Neighbors. The eye screening is completely free to our Neighbors. If it is determined that our Neighbors need glasses, a prescription will be given to the Neighbors, and they can receive free eyeglasses through New Eyes a nonprofit organization.

Social Service Referrals & Emergency Rent And Utility Assistance

Emergency utility and rental assistance is offered to Neighbors who are struggling to pay their utilities and/or are facing shut-off notices due to financial hardship. Services are funded through donations. If we are not able to assist someone we refer them to other agencies for assistance.